About Gyanama Yoga
Gyanama Yoga, founded by Nadja Rosmary, is a place for women to meet, be, explore, heal, share, journey inwards and find their own inner power. Combining Methods of Ancient Yoga Therapy, Eastern Philosophy and Western Psychology, Gyanama offers a safe haven for women from all walks of life.
Gyanama stands for Sanskrit “the Mother of Wisdom”. We guide women through all phases of life. The more we can heal at any given time within our body, soul and womb, the smoother the transition to the next phase. Modern society has no place for this form of self-care, self-love and self-respect and that is where we come in - providing and navigating with you through that space.
There are three pillars to a woman’s wisdom. First and foremost a woman needs to be surrounded by other women. Magic happens simply by consciously being together, as genetically women are meant to share, weave and hold ceremonies in circles. The second pillar is to harvest knowledge about her inner world - body, soul and psyche - as well as the ways of the outer world. Finally, the third pillar is to apply different healing modalities, connect with the Divine and receive guidance in how to navigate the mysteries of life.